BAEOP Member Scholarship
BAEOP offers two $500 Member Scholarships. These scholarships are intended to assist members who are working on their PSP Certification or Re-Certification, by attending workshops, conferences or classes. (Members must have two years of continuous membership at time of application). Below you will find a link to the scholarship application and guidelines.
BAEOP Member Scholarship Application
BAEOP Member Dependent Scholarship
Each year, BAEOP awards two or more scholarships (depending on current financial position), to children of current BAEOP members, who are graduating seniors or continuing their education at a college, university or vocational school. (BAEOP Members must have 2 years of continuous membership at time of application). Below you will find the scholarship application and guidelines.
Member Dependent Scholarship application
Click here to see list of prior scholarship recipients.
Scholarship Co-Chair:
Mary Chu
International School